Gracie was first given a film camera at an early age because her parents saw the need in her to document her surroundings. She deeply felt the emotional connection of documenting what gives her life meaning and purpose. Gracie has always felt excited to find these details about other people as well, which has led her focus of photography to documenting people and their environments. She loves the act of storytelling through photographs. Viewing an image and connecting with it in some way is a powerful feeling and Gracie hope to bring that to all her work.

Gracie has spent her life exploring the outdoors and the people she finds there. During August 2014 to August 2015 she worked as an Environmental Educator through her AmeriCorps service with Rural Action in Athens, OH. During this time she taught children and the surrounding community to better appreciate the natural world through hands-on, science-based outdoor education. Gracie walks gently through the woods with ears alert and eyes wide open. Climate change is an ever present concern in her world and hopes her photography can work to show human nature and the natural world are connected far beyond our daily actions. 

Gracie graduated from Ohio University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication, focusing on Photojournalism. She currently resides in Cleveland Heights, OH, working as Lead Cookie Decorator at Luna Bakery.

Available for assignment.